Next Event (Glasgow and Zoom): 22nd March 2025, 14:00. Dr Luigi Prada: Ancient Egyptian divination and dreams

Session 2020-21 Update

We hope you have been safe and well over the summer. While we were optimistic that lectures would commence as normal in October, the health and safety of our members and friends is more important. Therefore, we have arranged a series of Zoom lectures to cover this session and will add face to face lectures in due course if possible, taking into account government health guidelines and the peace of mind of our attendees. You can find our events, which are open to all (with members having priority for booking), elsewhere on the website.

In light of the fact that several lectures from last session had to be cancelled, the following subscription rates are in place for 2020-21 (due 30 September):
£12 for renewing members
£18 for new members
£8 for junior (under 16) members

Members are reminded that accounts from the 2018-19 session can be viewed if required by contacting: We will present a full update at the AGM in January 2021.

We hope you enjoy the programme and comments/suggestions can be sent to: For membership enquiries, please contact:

Best wishes

The ES Committee
