Next Event (Glasgow and Zoom): 22nd March 2025, 14:00. Dr Luigi Prada: Ancient Egyptian divination and dreams

Session 2019-20 Update

In keeping with current public health guidelines, we will not be holding any more events in the 2019-20 session, which ends in June. Members will receive a PDF version of the next issue of the newsletter soon. We hope to be able to hold our special extra lecture with Dr Bob Brier on 11th August 2020, but this will naturally depend on government advice in the coming months. Otherwise, we hope to be able to resume in September. We will be in touch again, but please see this website for the most up to date information.

You might be interested to know that the Egypt Exploration Society is streaming a few lectures. Pre-registration is required and attendance is limited so do book your place asap.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, and please pass this on to anyone you know who may have been thinking about attending forthcoming lectures. If you have any queries please get in touch. We hope to see you soon, and keep safe and well.

Best wishes

The ES Committee
